Finance Tools

The Finance Advisory Team has prepared an update Finance Guide incorporating information and resources based on the design phase and the final design concepts. The original Finance Guide was developed during the Research Phase for use by the Design Teams. The guide provided a funding and financing reference for resilient infrastructure along the San Francisco Bay shoreline. The Guide provided a strategic perspective and descriptive overview of funding and financing options to help orient design ideas towards more feasible, fundable projects. The updated guide provides more specific advice and information on funding availability for next steps.

Following the conclusion of the Bay Area Challenge, Resilient by Design continues to seek funding for the nine projects. This slide deck, produced by re;focus Partners outlines steps that design teams and stakeholders can take to get projects funded.

This resource outlines projects that are eligible for Prop 68 funding. Proposition 68 authorize $4 billion in general obligation bonds for state and local parks, environmental protection projects, water infrastructure projects, and flood protection projects.

This resource outlines projects that are eligible for the Continuing Authorities Program, which is a collection of water resource project authorities under which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) can plan, design, and implement certain types of water resources projects without additional project-specific congressional authorization. The program is intended for relatively straightforward projects, and it is not intended to address large, complex, or controversial water resource challenges. Because CAP projects do not require congressional approval, they are typically quicker to complete than larger USACE projects.

Funding Opportunities for SF Bay Area Ecosystem Restoration and Climate Adaptation San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority and State Coastal Conservancy

The SF Bay Restoration Authority is a regional agency created to fund shoreline projects that will protect, restore, and enhance San Francisco Bay through the allocation of funds raised by the Measure AA parcel tax. Measure AA, or the San Francisco Bay Clean Water, Pollution Prevention and Habitat Restoration Measure, was a revenue generating measure placed on the June 2016 ballots of the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area by the Restoration Authority. The measure proposed a 20-year, $12 parcel tax to raise approximately $25 million annually, or $500 million over twenty years, to fund restoration projects in the Bay.

This resource outlines transportation funding opportunities. The Metropolitatn Transporation Commission is the transportation planning, financing and coordinating agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area.

There are a variety of models for capturing economic growth of communities and regions for investment in community facilities. One such model is the Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District that allows local agencies in a geographic area to capture the growth in the economy by using a share of the property tax along with other financing tools to meet a common objective. In this case, dealing with sea level rise meets the test of a common objective. The enabling statute includes the following as one of its purposes: “Projects that enable communities to adapt to the impacts of climate change, extreme weather events, sea level rise, flooding… “