Challenge Leadership


The Resilient by Design | Bay Area Challenge was led by community, industry and government leaders who are passionate about fighting climate change in the Bay Area and beyond.

Members of Resilient by Design Executive Board

Members of Resilient by Design Executive Board

Resilient by Design Staff

Resilient by Design Staff

Executive Board



The Resilient by Design Jury functioned as an expert panel throughout the challenge process. The Jury selected the participating Design Teams and reviewed the final designs at the conclusion of the Challenge. They provided critical input at the challenge launch and final Collaborative Design Phase.Jury members do not have a financial interest or professional affiliation with any Design Team.


Research Advisory Committee

The Research Advisory Committee worked with staff and its Executive Board to identify a diverse set of vulnerable locations around the Bay for further exploration during the Challenge's Collaborative Research Phase, based on best available science and community input gathered through an open call for site ideas. These advisors reconvened at the end of the Collaborative Research Phase to evaluate Design Teams’ three to five Design Opportunities and match them with one site to move forward in the Collaborative Design Phase.


SCIENCE Advisory team

The Science Advisory Team worked closely with the Design Teams to help incorporate current scientific knowledge and maximize the incorporation of natural processes for ecosystem and community resilience into the final designs.

Finance Advisory team

The Finance Advisory Team worked with Design Teams to understand their financing options and make well-informed project decisions.  These decisions resulted in financeable designs that can be implemented over a reasonable timeframe that improve resilience in the Bay area, saving lives and improving livelihoods

Resilient by Design | Bay Area Challenge is an operating project of the Trust for Conservation Innovation.