

The HASSELL+ team understands water. We understand designing for water, living with water and the immense social potential that waterfront places offer communities when they are connected to them. HASSELL, originating from Australia, as well as Deltares + Goudappel, originating from the Netherlands, are drawn to RbD through an acute understanding of the social, cultural, economic and ecological potential that research-led design can unlock for waterfront communities.

In partnership with our local experts: Lotus Water, Civic Edge, HATCH, Brown & Caldwell, Idyllist, and Page & Turnbull, we bring to this challenge a wealth of experience. Experience in researching, listening and engaging with communities, and designing, prototyping and delivering integrated solutions.

Our team brings interdisciplinary skills ranging from the design of built environment to hydrology engineering, systems/product design, heritage assessment and community engagement. We see our core strength in having three strong disciplines, with an ability to collaborate and intersect our knowledge in order to generate innovative solutions:
_Design & Places
_Hydrology & Ecology
_Social Impact & Technology

We aim to design and deliver places and systems that improve the physical and social resilience of communities while performing vital daily and emergency functions for those communities.

We want to design to enhance the lives of Bay Area communities.


HASSELL |  Deltares  |  Lotus Water  |  Idyllist  |  Civic Edge Consulting  |  Goudappel  |  Page & Turnbull  |  HATCH  |  Brown & Caldwell



  • Urban Planning + Architecture
  • Water + Ecology
  • Social Impact + Technology
  • Community Engagement
  • Development Economics
  • Transport
  • Architectural + Cultural Preservation

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