Y-PlaN Resilient by Design Youth Challenge

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Resilient by Design partnered with Y-PLAN through the UC Berkeley's Center for Cities+Schools (CC+S).

For nearly two decades, Y-PLAN has offered a framework within which to meaningfully engage students to conduct ecological, social, and political research about the impacts of climate change, sea level rise, and healthy, vibrant communities.

CC+S built on their recent Y-PLAN resilience work and developed an aligned youth resilience challenge that engaged over 800  Bay Area elementary and high school students in planning and designing a resilient future for their own communities.

What is the youth challenge?

CC+S built on their existing school district and education networks across the Bay Area to create the “Y-PLAN Resilient by Design Youth Challenge.” Using the nationally recognized Y-PLAN methodology, young people engaged with experts and local stakeholders to co-design innovative and implementable solutions, emphasizing the interconnectedness of land, water, infrastructure and the quality of life—with local specificity and ownership. CC+S is committed to working with youth and schools furthest from opportunity, or “at risk”, and in greatest need of access to opportunities, such as Y-PLAN, that are academically rigorous, relevant to their lives and meaningful to their whole communities.

Core Components

  • Worked with over 15 Bay Area high school classrooms
  • Invited selected Resilient By Design Teams to serve as “Adult Allies” to Y-PLAN student teams to provide local expertise and guidance to student teams and serve as role models and sources of inspiration for future college and career readiness for the young resilience planners.

  • Provided UC Berkeley student mentorship to the high school teams

  • Created over 15 classroom based, and youth led, resilience design proposals

  • Exposed young people to learn more about future careers in the resilience field and college pathways required

  • Shared the insights across the region through digital storytelling, website development, quarterly e-newsletter, and video documentation

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Updates from the Youth Resilience Challenge

Youth Challenge Regional Summit

May 9, 2018

Food Resiliency Tour with Richmond High

April 6, 2018

Interviews by Y-PLAN San Rafael Students at Flood Fair

April 4, 2018

Y-PLAN San Rafael Students Get Ready for Flood Fair

March 19, 2018

Reflections on Fall Site Mapping Tour to Pt Molate

March 1, 2018

Field Operations Team Visits EPAPA

March 6, 2018

Skyline High Site Mapping Tour with ABC

February 23, 2018

Youth Challenge Launch

February 7, 2018

Kennedy High Fall Presentations

December 15, 2017

Y-PLAN | Resilient by Design

September 15, 2017

Questions? Contact Myrna Ortiz Villar (Y-PLAN)