Watershed Walking Tour Marin City


On Wednesday, February 21st the P+SET team co-coordinated a watershed walk with community members through Marin City from the ridge trail (Alta Trail), down through the neighborhoods in the transition zone, through the lowland residential area and finished at the detention basin pond, the 101 freeway and the bay edge of Marin City.  In total over 20 community members attended all or portions of the walk and tour.  Members of Shore Up Marin (co-coordinator of the walk/tour), the Marin City Community Service District, Golden Gate Village Residents’ Association, Marin Grassroots and the Sierra Club attended. 

One purpose of the walk/tour was for P+SET to learn from the community the challenges imposed by historical and current development on the hydrologic function and safety of their homes, buildings, streets and landscapes.  Neighbors shared stories and showed examples of flooding, broken infrastructure, fire risks and ideas of how they could imagine addressing certain problems. 


The P+SET team learned from the community, asked questions and shared observations about potential risks and opportunities.  Ms. Terrie Green from Shore Up Marin led the tour to homes and churches that experienced flooding over the last few years, specific drainage infrastructure in the upland transition and in the lowland detention basin areas.  This tour is part of the preliminary assessment for developing the specific curriculum activities for the P+SET Designing Our Own Solution training starting in March.  The training will include additional walk/tours that will explore community-led risk assessment and solution concept development as part of the design process to create a "Marin City People's Plan" for long-term resilience. 


Kevin Bayuk