Reflecting on the Collaborative Research Phase


As we transition from the Collaborative Research Phase to the Collaborative Design Phase, we thought we’d take this moment to reflect back on Challenge progress since the Challenge Launch in May.

Collaborative Research Phase Kickoff

On September 10th, we kicked off the Collaborative Research Phase in Richmond where we announced the 10 winning Design Teams selected to participate in the Challenge and celebrated with hundreds of Bay Area residents and national and international supporters.

Research Tours

Over the next couple months, our Design Team cohort toured around the Bay Area learning about sea level rise impacts and hear from vulnerable communities around the shoreline. We worked with community organizations, local governments, and elected officials to design informative tours and events and communicate community and ecosystem vulnerabilities to the Design Team cohort.

Reports from the Field

Staff and our Design Team cohort created daily summaries of the research tours. These summaries were helpful in relaying information to the larger cohort and capturing this collective learning experience.

Design Opportunities

Teams synthesized information from the tours and independent research to propose 3-5 Design Opportunities. These Design Opportunities are initial design ideas around the bay to address sea level rise impacts on local and regional scales, strengthen our region, and work towards a resilient future for our bay. Public comments collected will assist the Research Advisory Committee in selecting ideas to move forward and further developed with communities during the Collaborative Design Phase.

Thank you!

We’d like to thank everyone who participated in designing, leading and attending tours and events throughout the Collaborative Research Phase. We look forward to working with you in the Collaborative Design Phase!

Tira Okamoto